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Milano, Italy
Principaux produits : Café torréfié, grains de café, café moulu, dosettes de café

Aperçu de l'entreprise

Album de la société

Informations de base

Capacité du produit

Flux de Production

Roasting process
The balancing of blends and the traditional system of separate coffee-roasting ensure an excellent balance of the end product.
Blending process
The beans giving life to our blends are only from the most valuable coffee plantations in Brazil, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala and India.
Packaging process
Great attention is also paid to the packaging methods, designed to preserve the precious organoleptic qualities and integrity of the coffee.

Information de l'usine

Taille de l’usine
Below 1,000 square meters
Lieu de l’usine
Viale Edison 318, Sesto San Giovanni (Milan, Italy)
Nbre de lignes de production
Fabrication sous contrat
Buyer Label Offered
Valeur de la production annuelle
US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million

R & D Capacité

Recherche et Développement

Less than 5 People